Monthly Archives: February 2013

A year with chocolate

I’m not one to celebrate things, honestly. Hell, I don’t even look forward to my own birthday sometimes.

Even if I do, I do it personally deep within my atelier , usually only with the closest of companions. As much as one believes one’s self to be disconnected from other humans, undeniably there still exists a biological bond deep within the recesses or our minds and hearts that still connect us together.

Nadeko Season 2 Blog

Why am i telling you all this ?

Because life doesn’t have to be a drag.

Because maintaining a blog that has nearly a thousand hits a day doesn’t have to be a drag.

Because polishing my work everytime to become better doesn’t have to be a drag.

Because encoding your subs to become compatible with portable systems as MP4 formats doesn’t have to be a drag.


That’s right– the things that keep us going. A passion called ‘anime’, that many still consider as ‘mundane’ or ‘ridiculous’.

Shidi cover

I know I’ve said things probably easier said than done, but Hanabi has definitely done his job by maintaining the blog for the past one year.

At any point of time he could have grown tiresome of my volatile attitude towards anime, and left the blog unattended,

but he didn’t.

Even when things got busy he still has the blog in mind, along with his other priorities.

he’s worked on this blog more than I could ever hope to achieve.

If you’ve watched Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojou, he’s probably the manifestation of Aoyama Nanami – always hardworking , and always looking out for ways to improve this blog, while i idle away in other things.

I can be an ass sometimes, but I give credits where they are due. And so he has duly deserved them.


What of myself? I am still wandering between designing and writing, always being in the middle ground and not really excelling at anything. Perhaps I can settle into one expertise one day.


And of course, not forgetting you people — be it visitors / faithfuls.

Obviously without you people we can’t be arsed to even click on this blog, when there are many other blogs out there who serve the same purpose as us.

but most importantly, you all share the same passion with us, and that’s what really counts.

And we thank you for that, really.



What of plans for the future? We’ve no real solid plan, really.

For now, we will just advocate ourselves to more popular sites that offer the same service as we do, so that everyone can share the goodness.

No grand ambitions of an epic scale , nope, nothing like that. At least for now it seems that way.


And so that was more of like an anniversary-cum-thank-you-note in a post. No chocolates unfortunately, they’d be spoiled by the time we ship em’ to you.


Now, if somehow that cringe-worthy writing of mine has somehow induced tears, go wipe that away and go watch some more anime. Rock on.



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